LabelTac® 9 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Supply


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LabelTac Indoor/Outdoor Label Supply
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  • LabelTac 9 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Supply
  • LabelTac 9 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Supply
  • LabelTac 9 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Supply
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  • LabelTac 9 Indoor/Outdoor Vinyl Supply

LabelTac® 9 Label Supply

LabelTac® Indoor/Outdoor Label Supply was designed to be the answer for all your labeling needs. Created from high quality, industrial grade vinyl material, this supply was made to last in harsh environments. Its strong adhesive backing ensures that your labels stay in place, and won’t leave any reside behind upon removal. Rated to last more than five years outdoors and even longer indoors, this supply will hold up to the toughest industrial conditions. It is available in widths from 4” to 9” and is compatible with LabelTac® 9 printers.

The LabelTac® 9 Facility Labeling System helps you label your workplace easily and effectively, from your very own desk. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this label supply for your LabelTac® 9 printer. 


Outdoor Life Rating 5+ years
Optimal Temp. Range -40° to 180°
Min. Application Temp. 46°
Thickness 2.8 mil
  • Designed for both indoor and outdoor use
  • Min. application temp: 46°F
  • Service temperature range: -40°F to 180°F
  • Resistant to smears, chemicals, UV, and water
  • Shelf life (unused): 1 year

Fits Large Format Desktop Models

LabelTac® 6 and LabelTac® 9.

Part Numbers

 4” x 75’4.5” x 75’5” x 75’6” x 75’7” x 75’8” x 75’9” x 75’
Yellow LT401-C LT4501-C LT501-C LT601-C LT701-C LT801-C LT901-C
White LT402-C LT4502-C LT502-C LT602-C LT702-C LT802-C LT902-C
Black LT403-C LT4503-C LT503-C LT603-C LT703-C LT803-C LT903-C
Red LT404-C LT4504-C LT504-C LT604-C LT704-C LT804-C LT904-C
Green LT405-C LT4505-C LT505-C LT605-C LT705-C LT805-C LT905-C
Orange LT406-C LT4506-C LT506-C LT606-C LT706-C LT806-C LT906-C
Blue LT407-C LT4507-C LT507-C LT607-C LT707-C LT807-C LT907-C
Gray LT408-C LT4508-C LT508-C LT608-C LT708-C LT808-C LT908-C
Purple LT409-C LT4509-C LT509-C LT609-C LT709-C LT809-C LT909-C
Brown LT410-C LT4510-C LT510-C LT610-C LT710-C LT810-C LT910-C
Clear LT411-C LT4511-C LT511-C LT611-C LT711-C LT811-C LT911-C
Pink LT412-C LT4512-C LT512-C LT612-C LT712-C LT812-C LT912-C
Gold LT413-C LT4513-C LT513-C LT613-C LT713-C LT813-C LT913-C
Silver Gray LT414-C LT4514-C LT514-C LT614-C LT714-C LT814-C LT914-C
Light Blue LT415-C LT4515-C LT515-C LT615-C LT715-C LT815-C LT915-C
Hi-Vis Pink LT417-C LT4517-C LT517-C LT617-C LT717-C LT817-C LT917-C
Hi-Vis Yellow LT419-C LT4519-C LT519-C LT619-C LT719-C LT819-C LT919-C
Hi-Vis Orange LT421-C LT4521-C LT521-C LT621-C LT721-C LT821-C LT921-C
Hi-Vis Green LT422-C LT4522-C LT522-C LT622-C LT722-C LT822-C LT922-C
Sand LT428-C LT4528-C LT528-C LT628-C LT728-C LT828-C LT928-C


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Free Samples

Free Floor Marking Samples Try LabelTac® in your facility! See just how top-notch these labels are up close and personal.

We're happy to send you a variety of label samples to test out in your facility.

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Customer Photos

Simple Peel Edge

The Benefits of Simple Peel Edge

Peeling away the backing on LabelTac® labels is now even easier with the help of Simple Peel Edge label supply. Each side of the label supply reveals an edge of the paper backing. Take hold of that edge and peel the backing away in a matter of seconds.

Simple Peel Edge label supply has all the same characteristics found in other LabelTac® supply. It is built to withstand harsh indoor and outdoor environments and is resistant to UV, chemicals, and water. With Simple Peel Edge, you’ll save time, and label application becomes even easier!

As the leaders in Visual Safety™ Creative Safety Supply continues to innovate in all aspects of labeling to make our customers’ jobs easier and more efficient.

The Benefits of Simple Peel Edge

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